Welcome to the new look of Premier Financial Credit Union's website as of Wednesday, March 12, 2025.  Desktop users will now find the online banking login box on the upper right hand side of the website.

Insights: News

Elder Abuse and Fraud

Elder abuse and fraud is increasing. The best way to protect yourself and others from financial elder abuse and fraud is by learning the signs and reporting it right away.  

Premier Financial Credit Union is a member of the Wisconsin Credit Union League.  The Wisconsin Credit Union League has helped prepare educational brochures about elder abuse. 

What Can You Do to Prevent Elder Fraud and Scams?

Your Guide to Protecting Yourself and Others from Financial Elder Abuse

The Warning Signs of Elder Abuse

If you feel that you are a victim of elder abuse or fraud, or you believe it has been inflicted upon someone your know or love, REPORT IT!

 Call the Wisconsin Elder Abuse Hotline at 1.833.586.0107 or visit ReportElderAbuseWI.org.  

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